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Grade 2

Units & Goals


3 Black and White composition notebooks   6 pocket folders:                          

• 1 red 

• 1 green 

• 1 blue 

• 1 orange 

• 1 yellow 

• 1 purple 

*All folders MUST have holes for binders 

5 Elmer’s glue sticks 

2 packages of #2 pencils with erasers on end. (Please sharpen) 

1 pair of child size scissors 

2 boxes of Crayola crayons (16 colors) 

Pencil case (small enough to fit in the desk) 

2 boxes of tissues 

2 rolls of paper towels 

1 container of Clorox wipes 

1 box of Crayola colored pencils 


1 pencil sharpener with cover 

2 packs of loose-leaf paper (wide-ruled) 

1 pack of black (Expo) dry erase markers 

1 box of gallon zipper seal plastic freezer bags 

1 yellow highlighter 

1 large pack of post-it notes 

1 pencil box small enough to fit in a desk 

1 1” soft binder  

1 bottle of Elmer’s glue                                                                                        

1 box of thick Crayola markers 

1 package of dry erase (Expo) markers                                         

*Backpacks NO rolling backpacks 

*Please label all school supplies  

*Kindly bring all materials by Thursday, Sept. 7th, 2023 

Voluntary contributions are always appreciated.