Grade 4
Units & Goals
1 - 3 inch binder 1 - pencil case with 3 holes to be placed in binder (no plastic boxes please) 1-pkg of binder dividers (5 dividers) 1 pack of 24 sheet protectors 4 packs of lined paper (wide-ruled) 1 pkg of colored pencils (8pack) 4 spiral notebooks (Yellow, Red, Purple and Black) 7 pocket folders with binder holes: *1 blue – ELA *1 black - AVID *1 green – Math *1 orange – Social Studies *1 yellow – Science *1 red – ELA Intervention *1 purple – Math Intervention 1- Marble notebook 12 packs of 12 Ticonderoga pencils (144 pencils) 1 set of earbuds or headphones 3 red pens |
**No Mechanical pencils** 1 thin highlighter 2 glue sticks 1 student scissors 4 fine tip black dry erase markers 2 pkgs of post it notes (small & large) 3-hole punch that fits inside binder 2 paper towels/2 Lysol wipes/2 Tissue Boxes Box of gallon zipper seal plastic freezer bags *Please NO rolling book bags - they do not fit in the lockers **Due to our AVID curriculum, the following apply:
*Kindly bring all materials by Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023 |