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Mount Vernon Leadership Academy faculty and staff receive popcorn donations from Double Good Popcorn

Mount Vernon Leadership Academy faculty and staff receive popcorn donations from Double Good Popcorn

Faculty and Staff at Mount Vernon Leadership Academy were smiling in appreciation as they expressed their gratitude for the generous popcorn donations from Double Good Popcorn on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

Double Good is an organization that helps establishments with online fundraising. As a part of their mission, they donate small batch popcorn to educators who inspire and support the next generation. 

Educators are eligible to receive donations for their colleagues by nominating a school employee who they believe deserves a treat for their hard work and dedication to scholars’ education. 

If you know of someone who deserves a little treat, follow the link here. 

Teacher holding bag of popcorn.
Teacher holding a bag of popcorn.
Teacher holding a bag of popcorn with principal.
Teacher holding a bag of popcorn.
Teacher holding a bag of popcorn.


Student looking over an assortment of pens.

Large cases of books and tables of colorful knick-knacks, school supplies, and toys decorated the entryway of the Mount Vernon Leadership Academy for students to choose from. From February 3 to 10, students at MVLA can purchase from the yearly Scholastic Book Fair, which promotes reading and responsible spending amongst young people.

Dr. Doggett, Dr. Jagnandan, Mr. Wilbekin, Ms. Guttierrez and a parent and student.

Mount Vernon Leadership Academy held a family game night on Thursday, November 21, 2024. Students played English language arts and math games with their families. There was a wide variety of games for them to choose from such as Jenga, dominoes, chess, Uno, Taboo, Trouble, Zingo, Hedbanz, Sorry, and Candyland. They also had a read-aloud corner and played a multiplication game. Dr. Jamal Doggett, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Administration, and Dr. Satish Jagnandan, Director of Assessment, Mathematics and Science, joined families at the educational game night as well. 

MVPD officers visit MVLA and read Thanksgiving themed books to students

On Monday, November 25, 2024, and throughout the week, officers from the Mount Vernon Police Department visited classrooms at Mount Vernon Leadership Academy and read to students in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Ms. Hogan, the MVLA library technician, invited officers to connect with students and teach them about doing the right thing for Thanksgiving!

MVLA middle schoolers teach younger grades about democracy and civic duty

As the presidential election approaches, students at the Mount Vernon Leadership Academy are learning about the voting process and American democracy in their classrooms. In Robert Durante’s seventh-grade social studies class, students were tasked with creating a 10-minute presentation to teach the younger students about how to vote. To start the week of Monday, October 28, 2024, students will be casting their ballots and choosing who is the best candidate: Bluey or Clifford the Big Red Dog.

MVLA Librarian Lissa Hogan wins the Amazing Teacher Award

Lissa Hogan, a library media specialist at Mount Vernon Leadership Academy, has been honored with the Amazing Teacher Award for the month of October by LoHud, sponsored by Fordham Preparatory School. The award is given each month to local teachers in the Manhattan, Bronx, Westchester and Putnam areas, who are nominated by others for their talent and passion for teaching grades K-8.