School Supply Lists
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh and Eighth Grade
2-boxes of washable markers
2-boxes of crayons
2-packs of #2 pencils
8-dry erase/ wipeable markers
1-pencil box
1-box of Crayola colored pencils
- 1 blue
- 1 orange
- 1 yellow
- 1 purple
- 1 red
- 1 green
1-two pocket folder
- any color
2-boxes of tissues
1-container of disinfectant wipes
2-packages of glue sticks
2-marble-covered journals (composition notebook)
1-pink eraser
1-box of Ziploc Bags: gallon size
2-pack construction paper
2-packs of post-it notes (yellow)
1-Child size scissor
1-Headset/ Earbuds (to fit I-pad)
First Grade
3-Black and White composition notebooks
10-pocket folders:
- 2 Blue
- 2 Green
- 2 Red
- 2 Yellow
- 2 Orange
16-Elmer’s glue sticks
2-packages of #2 pencils with erasers on end. (Please sharpen)
1-pair of child size scissors
2-boxes of Crayola crayons (Basic 8 colors)
1-Pencil box (small enough to fit in desk)
2-boxes of tissues
2-rolls of paper towels
2-containers of wipes
1-box of Crayola colored pencils
1-box of thick Crayola markers
1-package of dry erase (Expo) markers
1-pencil sharpener with cover
1-box of Ziploc bags: Sandwich size and gallon size
Second Grade
3-Black and White composition notebooks
1- Large glue stick
2-packages of #2 pencils with erasers on end. (Please sharpen)
1-pair of child size scissors
2-boxes of Crayola crayons (16 colors)
Pencil case (small enough to fit in the desk)
6-pocket folders:
- 1 red
- 1 green
- 1 blue
- 1 orange
- 1 yellow
- 1 purple
*All folders MUST have holes for binders
1-pack of colored pencils
1-1inch soft binder
1- Bottle Elmers glue
2-Packs of Markers (Both thin & thick)
1- multicolor highlighter pack
1-large pack of post it notes
1-pencil box small enough to fit in a desk
1-inch/centimeter ruler
3-Packs of 4X6 Index Cards
1- Pack Multicolor Construction Paper
1-Pair of laptop headphones/earbuds
1-box of gallon zipper seal plastic freezer bags
2-boxes of tissues
2-rolls of paper towels
1-container of Clorox wipes
*Backpacks NO rolling backpacks
*Please label all school supplies
*Kindly bring all materials by Thursday, Sept 5th, 2024
Voluntary contributions are always appreciated.
Third Grade
Earbuds or earphones (for laptop use)
12-packs of #2 pencils (144 pencils) *
1--yellow highlighter
1-pack of index cards (3x5)
1-Pack of sticky notes
1-backpack (Please no wheels otherwise book bags don’t fit in the lockers)
1-box of colored pencils
2-packs of loose-leaf with reinforced holes (wide-ruled)
8-composition notebooks
3-boxes of tissues
1-box of quart size Ziploc bags
1-container of Clorox wipes
1-hand soap (pump)
1-hand sanitizer (pump)
1 art box (which will hold the following items):
4 handheld pencil sharpeners with cover*
1 junior scissors
5” blunt tip
4 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
1 box of 10 children’s markers
6 erasers
6-Plastic folders:
• 1 red
• 1 green
• 1 blue
• 1 orange
• 1 yellow
• 1 purple
Fourth Grade
1 - 3 inch binder *No Case-It Binders
1-Laptop carrying case (fits 10 x 14)
1-Headphones with microphone
1-soft flat pencil case with 3 holes to be placed in binder (no plastic boxes)
1-Pack of lined paper (Wide Ruled)
2-Single Subject Spiral notebooks with binder holes (Green & Blue)
2- Marble Composition Notebooks
4- Packs of 12 Ticonderoga Pencils (No Mechanical Pencils)
1- Pack of 24 sheet protectors
1- Red Pen
1- Thin highlighter
5- Glue Sticks
-Pair of Student Scissors
1-Pack of fine tip black dry erase markers
4- Packs post it notes
1- Roll of paper towels
2- Lysol/Clorox Wipes
2-Tissue Boxes
1-Box of galloon Zipper seal Plastic freezer bag
7-Pocket Folders with binder holes
- 1 Blue- ELA
- 1 Green-Math
- 1 Yellow-Science
- 1 Orange-Social Studies
- 1 Red-ELA Intervention
- 1 Purple-Math Intervention
- 1 Black-Avid
We recommend, if you can, you go shopping during the summer. Dp Do not wait till September, (especially when there are sales.)
See you in September.
Te recommendamos, si puedes, que vayas de compras durante el verano. Dp No esperes hasta septiembre, (especialmente cuando hay rebajas).
Nos vemos en septiembre.
Fifth Grade
Binder (1inch) -No Zippered Binders
1-Pencil Case that has 3 holes to be placed in binder (No Hard Cases)
4- Packs of lined paper
1- Package of binder dividers (5 Dividers)
1- Five Subject Notebook (Readers Notebook)
1- Three Subject Notebook (Writers Notebook)
2- Single Subject Notebook (RTI Math & RTI ELA)
1- Homework Pad
1- Small Pack of Sheet Protectors
1- Thin Highlighter
-Pens (Blue & Black Only)
1- Red Pen
2- Boxes of #2 Sharpened pencils (No Mechanical Pencils)
1-Roll of paper towels
1-Pack of Antibacterial wipes
1-box of gallon ziploc bag
7 Pocket Folders with Binder Holes:
- 1 Blue-ELA
- 1-Green-Math
- 1- Yellow-Science
- 1- Orange-Social Studies
- 1- Red-ELA Intervention
- 1- Purple-Math Intervention
- 1- Black-AVID/Take Home Folder
1-Pair of Ear buds that can fit into a pencil case (No Headphones)
2- Marble Composition Notebooks
1- Pair of safety scissors
6- Packs of Post-it Notes
6-Glue Sticks (No bottles of Glue)
3-Boxes of facial tissues
Please NO rolling bookbags (they do not fit into lockers) *Please bring all materials by September 6, 2024
* Due to our AVID curriculum, the following apply: Color coded materials are mandatory.
Sixth Grade
6 pocket folders with binder holes:
- 1 yellow-Science
- 1 red-ELA Intervention
- 1 green-Math
- 1 blue-ELA
- 1 orange-Social Studies
- 1 purple-Math Intervention
1-Soft pencil case
1- Pack of lined paper (Wide ruled)
1-Small pack of sheet protectors
2-Marble Composition Notebooks
6 Single Subject Spiral notebooks :
- 2 Blue-ELA
- 2 Green-Math
- 1 Yellow-Science
- 1 Orange- Social Studies
2- Three Pack of Post-It Notes
1- Thin Highlighter
1- Pack of Colored Pencils (8 pack)
Pens- Blue, Black & red ONLY
1-Pair of Earbuds
3- Boxes of #2 Pencils (No mechanical pencils)
1-Pack of Antibacterial wipes
1-Roll of paper towels
3-Boxes of facial tissue
1 USB (flash drive)
*Please NO rolling book bags-all book bags must fit in the hall lockers!
**Locks are NOT permitted**
*Please bring all materials by Monday, September 11, 2024
*Due to our AVID curriculum, the following apply: All materials are MANDATORY and MUST be Color coded materials
Seventh and Eighth Grade
1 - 1 inch binder
1-pencil case
1-pack of dividers
2-packs of lined paper
7-folders with binder holes:
- 1 yellow
- 1 red
- 1 green
- 1 blue
- 1 black
- 1 orange
- 1 purple
1-Pack of colored pencils
5-Compostion notebooks
2-packs of index cards
1-pack of post it notes
1-pack of post it tabs
1-USB Flash Drive
2-Glue sticks
1-black 3 subject notebook
1-pack of highlighters variety of color
3-Boxes of Pencils
1-Box of Tissues
1-Roll of Paper towels
1-Pack of Lysol wipes
1-Laptop Compatible headphones
2-Packs of Highlighters
2-colored pencils
3-Blue or Black pens (Eraser mate suggested)
2-white out correction tape (no liquid)